Audio Engineer and Producer
Ryan Tilby is an accomplished audio engineer with experience recording (and being recorded) in every major studio in the Intermountain West. In addition to his teaching schedule, Ryan operates a small studio geared mostly toward acoustic music.
API 512c (2)
Neve 511 (2)
HRK MPQ568C (2)
Purple Audio Biz
Hairball Audio Lola
CAPI VP26 (2)
Chandler Little Devil EQ
Kush Audio Electra (2)
DIYRE EQP5 "Pultecs" (2)
Chandler Little Devil Comp
Kush Audio Tweaker
Empirical Labs EL* Distressors (2)
Telefunken AK-47 (2)
Warm Audio U47 (modded)
Blue Kiwi (2)
Shure KSM44 (2)
AKG 414-ULS (2)
Oktava MK-012 "Joly Mod" (2)
Cascade Fathead Ribbon (3)
Cascade X12 Stereo Ribbon
Sennheiser 421 (3)
Shure Beta 52
Shure Beta 56 (3)
Shure Beta 57 (2)
Aston Stealth
Shure SM57 (3)
Audix i5
Bass Amps
Ampeg B15N Fliptop 1969
TC Electronic RH700
Guitar Amps
Fender Twin (1970)
Fender Deluxe (Brownface) 1963
Fender VibroChamp 1969
Fender Deluxe Reissue
Divided By 13 JRT 9/15
Silvertone 1482
ProTools Studio
Logic Pro
Plugin-Alliance Mega Bundle
Slate Digital All Access
Fab Filter Complete
Soundtoys Bundle
Kush Audio Complete
Upright bass - Karl Beck 1954
Mike Lull TC5
Mike Lull PJ4
Guild Starfire 1969
Yamaha TRB5 Fretless
Kala U-Bass
Fender Bass VI
Electric Guitars
Gretsch Country Gentleman 1970
Gretch Country Western
Tom Anderson Classic Hollow T
Tom Anderson Cobra S
Fender Strat Plus 1989
Danelectro Baritone
Danelectro double-neck Baritone/12-string
Thorell Style A Archtop
Epiphone ES-175
Godin Multiac Nylon
Breton Guitar Works Jazzmaster
Godin Glissentar 11-string fretless
Acoustic Guitars
Noland Fran Orchestra Model
Taylor 810 (1991)
Taylor 615 (1983)
Coal Creek Dreadnaught
Jose Ramirez Nylon 1999
Del Oro Parlor (Rubber Bridge) 1922
Del Arte Macaferri-style Archtop
Martin D18 (1953)
Alvarez 12-string
Gibson "Hound Dog" Round Neck resophonic
Alvarez Baritone
Folk Instruments
Gibson Granada Mastertone Banjo
Miner A-style Mandolin
Roy Smeck Lap Steel
Recording King Square-neck Dobro
Deering open-back Goodtime Banjo
Gold Tone Cello Banjo
Dave Montgomery Bouzouki
He has engineered and produced recordings at June Audio, Soularium Studios, Metcom Studios, Jackman Studios, The Record Lab, and Mobile Recordings among others. Ryan is also the owner of Remote Recording Sessions where he does session work for clients around the world.
“Ryan’s engineering is fast and intuitive. It’s nice having a musician behind the board.